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9 Reasons Strip Clubs Can Spice Up Your Sex Life

Here is where I ask strippers - What do you think of this article about non-stripping women and couples in strip clubs?

9 Reasons Strip clubs can spice up your sex life

If you ask this stripper most women are there for the show. It's entertainment. Just as you would watch Dancing with the Stars the women are the focus of the show in glitzy stripper like out fits. Only in this case those glittery covering get scattered all over the stage.

As a customer I want to see wild pole tricks and cute shoes. I want to steal moves, costume ideas and different ways to wear my hair and make up. Not to mention new music to dance to.

If I were not a stripper a sole reason for hitting up a strip club would be if my other half asked me to go. I would buy them a table dance or two but pass for myself. Sorry I don't get all hot and bothered watching Dancing with the Stars or strippers.

Strip clubs are mostly the ultimate in "man caves". I get bored after seeing a few talented dancers and then I leave. Men can stay for hours and some women look plain bored after about 45 minutes of being there. Not all strip clubs serve alcohol which is less incentive for a woman to stick around.

4. The experience can make them feel sexier.

By identifying with the stripper’s sexuality or desiring it, lovers can feel more wanton in the process. In other cases, where a stripper looks particularly haggard, a woman may come away from the experience feeling confirmed (and relieved) that she’s more attractive than the gal on stage. After all, the slight jealousy that can be fueled by the experience acts as inspiration to outdo the stripper at some point.

That was lovely which leads me to...

Approaching a couple and they got in a huge argument. (I are innocent I swears it.)

Walking up to a married man not knowing the woman in the group was his wife. I always ask but he acted like we was there on his own and they weren't even sitting together hence the lack of ownership. She was an absolute bitch to me then tried to lure me back to the table with money.

There are all types of complaints that strippers have of women trying to get up on the pole or who like to talk down women for being in the trade. The kicker is I dress more modestly than some non-dancers do in public.

Women hate me out side of the club I can't imagine how they would loath me as a stripper trying to take their husbands money.

Oh and some cops like to pose as a couple.

Nothing against couples I don't feel the author is portraying an accurate picture of what life is like in a strip club when other women are present. These are 9 rosy pictures that can go horribly wrong.

I'd have to say in my experience a majority of strippers don't compete with each other. They just do what sexy women do and that is be sexy. Well that is not entirely true as you have to stay competitive by out sexy'ing another persons sexiness. Sometimes that backfires. Sigh.

5. It’s fun.

Going to strip clubs allows for novel experiences and variety, sometimes inspiring moves for bedroom action.

Anyone ever try this stuff at home? Anyone here have four stripper poles for bed posts? Funny how men who don't associate with strippers want their wives to be all stripper'esque, and men who date strippers just wish they would stop.

"Going to a strip club isn’t for every couple. If it goes against your values or invites sexual jealousy, then definitely stay away."

Oh good the warning label.

This stripper doesn't normally read Fox news but I found this story amusing. Especially since Fox is now promoting strip clubs.

Thoughts. Comments. Rants. ;)


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