"I have read that during the summer, the SC traffic is pretty slow. Is this true even for Las Vegas clubs? If so, why? I would think that with summer vacation out to Vegas, the clubs would be even busier?"This question I thought I'd save for a blistering summer day.
Depending on what part of the country you live in this may be true. You ask about Vegas. In my experience it is really, really, REALLY slow in Sin City during the summer months.
It has to do with foot traffic. I'm not sure how other hot and touristy places are doing in the summer. (Ladies? Gents? Vegas?) In the PNW when it cools down, unless a club has got a rockin' A/C, guys don't start trickling in until later in the evening. Even then a cool, dark, VIP is not enough to draw to people in on a 70 to 80 degree day.
Things may have changed since I'd been to Vegas. To my knowledge there are not many conventions being booked in 100 or so degree weather in say, July. You've got your locals which is great but not a lot of tourists or businessmen in normal numbers rolling into town.
Come September lot's of clubs across the country are going to start seeing more customers ESPECIALLY for 2009! Some strip club goers have been g-stringed starved since they feel the economy got a little shaky this year.
The answer is, print more money, apply for more credit cards, have more fun in the clubs!
See you there.
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