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Swine Flu and Strip Clubs

I almost didn't want to do a post on Swine Flu because I did not want to alarm others whether or not you should go to a strip club.

We work and play in an intimate environment so certain precautions may be necessary.

Know the Swine Flu Facts:
  • First and foremost watch the news with a critical eye. The media has a way of sensationalizing certain events.

    Yes it is true a pandemic in the early 1900's was severe and took out a chunk of the population. Although there are more people in the world now, we are more advanced.

    Television, radio and the Internet are tools. Don't be afraid or believe everything you read but be smart about it.

  • It is possible to contract Swine Flu and get over it quickly.

  • It is imperative that if you feel sick at all STAY HOME. Do not infect others! This is not a strain to be fucking around with. What makes Swine Flu so bad is that humans don't have any natural defenses against it.

    "Oh I'll just work any how and take Theraflu." know who you are! Stay home bitch!

  • If you feel REALLY SICK, don't hesitate to go to the emergency room if you are concerned especially if you cannot breath, walk, are very dizzy or have a monster headacheor, whatever.

    Don't fear of having Swine Flu, but don't take abnormal flu symptoms lightly. Take care of yourself and don't feel like you may be over reacting.

  • Educate yourself:

Swine Flu and Your Health:

Now would be a good time to start a cleanse of sorts.

Cut back on or eliminate:
  • Sugar
  • Alcohol
  • Coffee
  • Cigarettes
  • Smoking pot - respiratory flu.
  • Meds - unless you really need them. Ask your doc. not me.
  • Salt

    (Note: It is perfectly okay to continue using meth, coke and morphine. Herioin is said to make you immune to all illnesses...HA just kidding.)
Eat healthy: Low fat, low carb, high protein.

Supplements: Take herbs and Vitamin C.

Exercise: Boost your immune system and metabolism.

I would suggest staying out of the gym although I'm no germ phobe, gyms still seem ghastly to me otherwise there wouldn't be sanatizers all over the place. That's just me.

Swine Flu Hygenie:

  • Don't get too close to other peoples faces, shake hands or touch your own face.

  • Carry hand sanitizer.

  • If people tell you are paranoid ignore them. Better safe than sorry. You do what you need to do to feel comfortable no matter what anyone else thinks.
Yes you can still give and get lap dances! No kissing. Hugging. Wash up afterwards (God that sounds bad!) or use hand sanatizer before and after.

How many people are opposed to dancing or getting a dance while wearing a surgical mask? Show of hands please. :)

If the Swine Shit Hits the Fan:

Go to the RED CROSS BUILD A KIT page and prepare for a much longer period.
Do what you can now and don't worry about the rest. You may not need the kit but it's better to have part of it than none of it.
  • Three weeks of clean drinking water.
  • Dry, canned or dehydrated food that does not require water
    • Beef jerky
    • Tuna
    • Fresh and canned fruit in it's own juices to keep you hydrated. Eat the fresh stuff first and when you run out eat the canned stuff.

      Grapes, apples and coconut are all anti-viral. Apples last the longest and a jar of coconut oil or frozen coconut-popsicles last a long time.
    • Dehydrated fruit.
    • Unsalted nuts.
QUARENTINE: This would suck but it could happen. Be prepared for curfews and the like.


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