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Exotic Dancing in a Down Economy - More From Ask a Stripper

Exotic dancing again truly is a recession proof business. One of the things that I have been telling my friends and not just those who are exotic dancers is that you need to get yourself up to speed at work. Two things are how to either a) get a job if you lose yours, or b) ramp yourself up so you don't lose what you've got!

Here are three ways exotic dancers can tackle the slow periods:

Don't Take it Personally - No matter how long you've been at exotic dancing there are those times that when money is limited you think it's all because of you. Sometimes it is you - so don't get me wrong. The times you should be worried if it is you or not is when it's the busy time of year and you are not doing so well. You can look great, do a great stage and still need an attitude adjustment. Consumer spending habits fluctuate throughout the year so know when those times are, and save up for them. It's not you most of the time, it really is the market. Wipe those tears away. :)

Stay Competitive - Walk into the club and look and act like a stripper! Just because it's slow doesn't mean you shouldn't be tanning, doing your hair, exercising or doing your nails. If it's that bad for you just use the cheaper alternatives (tan-in-a can, press on nails.) because some exotic dancers live like this year round. You may find that if you upkeep yourself you can truly say "I don't know what the fuck is wrong with these people because I look good!" There you have it.

Now is also the time to start a very intense workout program if you need to. Do it now! Not only will you stand out, if you have to go to another club they are more likely to hire you. In English, be in demand. If you want to keep or get a job even if you are not an exotic dancer you had better be the best you can be this year because that is who is going to get paid. Repeat, be in demand. As they say 'you snooze, you lose'.

Great Customer Service - Talking to some custys about business shit like I always do one complained that a client of his, for Christmas usually gives out Grey Goose and this year they all got bottles of wine instead. Another went to a party and the first drink was free but you had to pay a small fee for the 'bar apps'. Later that week at a different client party there was a full bar and free gourmet appetizers seafood included! Now which company do you want to do business with again?
The company that cuts corners or the one who is looking out for your happiness. (No not that type of happiness either.) Think about that for awhile.

You have got to give even better customer service in the slow times. Why not just get in the habit of being an awesome exotic dancer year round? Don't act desperate or be a total doormat. (Some customers try to "groom" exotic dancers. Don't let them!) If you're prices are too low people won't pay for an inferior product or service.

Throw in something extra (no not extras!) like taking more time to pay attention to your customer. Make them feel like a rock star when they come to the club, being a little more touchy-feely like a neck rub (if it's legal), requesting and or dancing to their favorite song etc. Send them an email, text or phone call to say 'thank you' without telling them what nights you work. The little things, they add up!


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